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Results for "Türkiye"

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    • Erdem Mertoğlu

      The end closes for Türkiye's most dangereous road from Central Anadolu to Karadeniz (blacksea) region. with 40 curves. 3 Tunnels 4 km tunnel starts 2 year ago and fınısh in 2021. https://www.haberler.com/corum-turkiye-nin-40-virajli-en-tehlikeli-yolunda-12940485-haberi/

      • Erdem Mertoğlu

        Van avalanche area people want tunnel. Snow close roads avalanche kill people https://haber.sol.org.tr/turkiye/bahcesaray-yolu-oy-verin-tunel-yapacagiz-dediler-ama-279937 #Türkiye

        • Erdem Mertoğlu

          İzmir Büyükkent (metropolitan) municipality is opening a new tender for a 7,1 kilometer Buca Tunnel. http://www.cumhuriyet.com.tr/haber/turkiye/1704726/izmir-buyuksehir-belediyesi-buca-tuneli-icin-ihaleye-cikiyor.html #Türkiye

          • Erdem Mertoğlu

            Nurdağı Tunnel on Gaziantep-Adana YHT (High Speed Train) will Türkiye's longest rail tunnel. 5 Hour 20 minute train travel will become 1 hour 30 minute https://www.haberturk.com/tamamlandiginda-turkiye-nin-en-uzun-tuneli-olacak-2557925-ekonomi

            • Erdem Mertoğlu

              #Göreme:Tunnels built thousands of years ago https://www.ancient-origins.net/history/underground-derinkuyu-0013243 #Türkiye

              • Erdem Mertoğlu

                2 km tunnel for Bursa mountain village tunnels digged 2 meter each day https://www.haberler.com/her-gun-dagi-2-metre-deliyorlar-12898507-haberi/ #Türkiye

                • Erdem Mertoğlu

                  Turkish Transport and Infrastructure minister Turhan visits Badal and Kırkdilim tunnels ın the North of Türkiye. https://rayhaber.com/2020/03/bakan-turhan-badal-tuneli-ve-kirkdilim-tunelinde-incelemelerde-bulundu/

                  • Erdem Mertoğlu

                    Türkiye: 393 kilometer #Ankara - #Sivas High Speed Train railroad finish end 2020. https://rayhaber.com/2020/01/ankara-sivas-yuksek-hizli-tren-projesinin-bitis-tarihi-belli-oldu/

                    • Erdem Mertoğlu

                      #Türkiye: 65% of Zıgana Tunnel complete. 14,5 km long #ZiganaTunnel is Europe's longest twin tube road tunnel and second longest in World. https://www.haberler.com/avrupa-nin-en-uzunu-olacak-zigana-tuneli-nin-yuzde-12779964-haberi/

                      • Erdem Mertoğlu

                        Bilecik governor visits the ‘Tünel 26’ tunnel build project. One of tunnel on Ankara-İstanbul TCDD Yüksek Hızlı Tren (YHT - high speed train) railway https://www.milliyet.com.tr/yerel-haberler/bilecik/vali-senturk-yht-tunel26-calismalarini-inceled-6154293 #Türkiye