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Femern A/S receives tenders for climate-friendly technology for the Fehmarnbelt tunnel

    Jørn Sørensen
    By Jørn Sørensen

    On 16 November 2021, Femern A/S received negotiation offers for the contract for the electrical and mechanical installations in the Fehmarnbelt tunnel.

    On 16 November 2021, Femern A/S received negotiation offers for the contract for the electrical and mechanical installations in the Fehmarnbelt tunnel.

    The tender process was launched in the spring of 2021 and is the latest in a series of major contracts on the Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link. The main contracts for the tunnel construction have been won by the FLC and FBC consortia, and the construction of the link is already underway.

    In the tender documents, Femern A/S set out requirements for energy-efficient, climate-friendly solutions for the equipment and the control and monitoring systems, which will be installed for the operation and maintenance of the tunnel. In other words, the contract comprises the technology in the tunnel to ensure efficient, safe and stable tunnel opera-tions from its opening in 2029.

    The next step in the process is for Femern A/S to undertake a full review of the tenders received. Following this, in mid-December 2021, Femern A/S will provide more details on the future course of the tender process.The plan is to award the contract during 2022.

    “We have now received three negotiation offers for the next major milestone in the con-struction of the Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link, specifically that of equipping the tunnel with ad-vanced technology and electronics. We will now study the offers carefully and this will include looking at how they intend to deliver climate-friendly solutions”, said Jens Ole Kaslund, Technical Director at Femern A/S.

    As with the other major contracts, it is expected that the consortia will need a significant number of subcontractors and that the contractors will take on apprentices.

    The actual construction of the Fehmarnbelt tunnel is progressing according to plan on both the Danish and German sides. Some 800 people are currently employed in the direct construction work at Rødbyhavn in Denmark and Puttgarden in Germany, and this will grow to several thousand when the tunnel factory at Rødbyhavn, which will produce the many tunnel elements, is completed during 2023.

    The bidding consortia are:




    Bravida AB (Sweden)

    VINCI Energies International & Systems (France)

    Eitech Electro AB (Sweden)

    Femern Technical Contractors

    PORR Bau GmbH (Austria)

    PKE Verkehrstechnik GmbH (Austria)


    Sociedad Ibérica de Construcciones Eléctricas, S.A. (Spain)

    SICE Technología y Sistemas, S.A. (Spain)

    Cobra Instalaciones y Servicios, S.A. (Spain)

    Moncobra, S.A. (Spain)


