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The Boring Company's Prufrock-1 breaks through at Last Vegas Resorts World hotel

    Tim Altman
    By Tim Altman


    Elon Musk's The Boring Company (TBC) completes tunneling from Las Vegas Convention Center to Resorts World hotel. The tunnel is part of the Vegas Loop, a 29-mile tunnel network connecting 51 stations throughout the resort corridor and beyond, according to TBC website. The already completed 1.7 mile long Las Vegas Convention Center (LVCC) tunnel will be part of the Vegas Loop.

    TBC says the TBM Prufrock tunnel boring machine can "begin tunneling within 48 hours of arrival onsite" because, the website says, it launches directly from the surface and after boring, it reemerges which the TBM calles "porpoising". That is, instead of being launched from a shaft etc. It is not clear how it can be assembled in just 48 hours...

    TBC also says that "Prufrock is designed to tunnel at a speed greater than 1 mile per week". That is about 0.143 mile per day. For all to understand, it is about 230 meters per day!


