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Bulgaria Shipka Tunnel Tender: Road Infrastructure Agency signs contract with Bulgarian Consortium

    Erdem Mertoğlu
    By Erdem Mertoğlu

    Bulgaristan Şipka tüneli - Bultaristan Yol Altyapısı Kurumu (API)


    The Bulgarian Road Infrastructure Authority (API) has made an agreement with the Bulgarian subsidiaries PSVT for Shipka tunnel, which consists of 5 tunnels with a total length of 4,011 kilometers (the longest of which is 3,22 kilometers). PSVT joint venture consists of Patni Stroezhi-Veliko Tarnovo, Hydrostroy, Patinzheneringstroy-T Consortium. PSVT won the contractor designation in 2020 for 183m euros. Since then, technical proposal studies have continued. The press release on API's Internet site is as follows:

    Tomorrow the contracts for design and construction of the tunnel under Shipka will be signed

    Tomorrow, June 8, the Chairman of the Management Board of the Road Infrastructure Agency Todor Vassilev will sign the contracts for design and construction and construction supervision of the tunnel under Shipka.

    The public procurement envisages the construction of a section with a length of 10,549 km, of which 7.96 km are new construction, and 2.59 km are reconstruction of the existing road I-5 Gabrovo - Kazanlak, as well as 5 tunnels with a total length of 4,011 km. The tunnel under Shipka will be 3.22 km. The other 4 tunnels are smaller - respectively 171 m, 240 m, 90 m and 290 m. Another 6 bridges and 1 underpass will be built, 12. reinforced embankments, one reinforced concrete retaining wall, one reinforced concrete fortification wall, etc.

    The tunnel under Shipka Peak will be 1 km west of Shipka Pass and 1 km east of Malusha Peak. The northern part of the tunnel will be in Gabrovo district and the southern part in Stara Zagora district. It will have two lanes, two leading lanes and two sidewalks. The facility will be a key point in the traffic in the direction North - South and through it will pass through the Balkan Mountains in the central part of Bulgaria. The main transport directions that it will serve are: Ruse - Veliko Tarnovo - Shipka - Stara Zagora - Svilengrad (Makaza) and Oryahovo - Sevlievo - Shipka - Stara Zagora - Svilengrad (Makaza).

    The project "Design and construction of the site:" Bypass of Gabrovo from km 20 + 124.50 to km 30 + 673.48, including the tunnel under the peak Shipka "is included in the project of the Program" Transport Connectivity "2021-2027.

    The design and construction contract will be signed with DZZD Consortium PSVT, which includes: Road Construction - Veliko Tarnovo AD, Hydrostroy AD and Patinzhenirigstroy-T EAD. Its value is BGN 358,020,000 with VAT. The term for execution of the order is 240 days / 8 months / for design and 1280 days / 3.5 years / for construction.

    The construction supervision will be assigned to DZZD "Transconsult - Sveko" with participants: "Transconsult - BG" OOD and "Sveko Energoproekt" AD. Their contract is BGN 6,479,935.20 with VAT.

    map,information from press release:

