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China : Large diameter CCCC TBM behind success of Indonesia Jakarta - Bandung High Speed Railway Tunnel Constructions

    Caihong Wen
    By Caihong Wen

    142 Km Yawan high -speed rail line in Indonesia first high -speed rail in Indonesia and Southeast Asia. When it finish, trains can go 350 km per hour. It connect Jakarta and Bandung. Construction started in June 2018. The entire line has adopted Chinese technology and Chinese standards.

    Line has 13 tunnels.

    For tunnel construction CCCC has designed a Slurry pressure balancing Tunnel Boring Machine. Its  diameter is 13.19 meters. It has Water system layered anti -cleaning technology, intelligent anti -sinking control technology, automatic control of mud water circulation system, etc.

    TBM broke a record of 322 meters excavation in a month for a large diameter shield machines. Also amount of knife grinding each knife of the shield machine is expected to change the knife to 50 mm, but in the end, the actual maximum wear is only 35 mm, and the average wear is only 12 mm.


    142 Km Yawan high -speed rail line in Indonesia first high -speed rail in Indonesia and Southeast Asia. When it finish, trains can go 350 km per hour. It connect Jakarta and Bandung. Construction started in June 2018. The entire line has adopted Chinese technology and Chinese standards.

    Line has 13 tunnels.

    For tunnel construction CCCC has designed a Slurry pressure balancing Tunnel Boring Machine. Its  diameter is 13.19 meters. It has Water system layered anti -cleaning technology, intelligent anti -sinking control technology, automatic control of mud water circulation system, etc.

    TBM broke a record of 322 meters excavation in a month for a large diameter shield machines. Also amount of knife grinding each knife of the shield machine is expected to change the knife to 50 mm, but in the end, the actual maximum wear is only 35 mm, and the average wear is only 12 mm.


