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Italy - Austria: Brenner Base Tunnel will hold Open Tunnel Day on the Austrian side

    Gianluca Gallota
    By Gianluca Gallota

    Brenner Base Tunnel Open day


    We are all invited!

    April 23rd: Open Tunnel Day at the BBT construction site Ahrental

    And here we are again! After a three-year break, we are delighted to invite you to the “Open Tunnel Day” on the Austrian project side.

    On Sunday, April 23rd, BBT SE will open its tunnel portal on the "Ahrental" construction site (construction lot H41 "Sill Gorge - Pfons").

    A short bus ride through the Ahrental access tunnel will bring you directly to the event area in the tunnel. Get the most recent information about the many different topics of the project, visit the "BBT-cinema" and enjoy the special tunnel atmosphere. We also came up with some ideas for the kids: Whether it's face painting, building, visiting the children's theatre or searching for the right answers at the children's quiz - there is definitely something for everyone here!

    The event area within the tunnel is divided into two routes to choose from, which must be taken/ followed? on foot. Please note that there are slight slopes. We recommend wearing sturdy shoes. Private cars and parking on the building site are not allowed.Please use the SHUTTLE BUSES to get to the event site. The buses will await you at Innsbruck Central Station and the DEZ shopping centre parking lot and will bring you directly to the construction site and to the event area inside the tunnel - and back. There will be a regular shuttle service without fixed intervals.

    For further information please click here.

    Come and visit us! A lot has happened on the Brenner Base Tunnel since our last Open Tunnel Day!
    We're looking forward to seeing you!

    Your BBT SE Team

    original BBT announcement

