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Norway: NCC has won the Statens vegvesen tender to build E136 Breivika-Lerstad road and tunnel

    Paul K. Madsen
    By Paul K. Madsen

    New twin tunnels on E136 Breivika-Lerstad in Norway - Statens vegvesen

    Statens vegvesen (the Norwegian Public Roads Administration) awards the construction of E136 Breivika-Lerstad road and tunnel to NCC.

    NCC Norge AS has won the tender competition to build the largest project in Bypakke Ålesund. The contracting company was one of four suppliers who, after pre -qualification, received an invitation to deliver offers on the assignment, and it was NCC who had the best relationship between price and quality.

    - I am happy with the competition that started as early as May. It is a long and thorough process we have been through with the providers. After the negotiation round, NCC Norway has delivered the best offer, says Ole Kristian Birkeland, project manager at Statens vegvesen.

    NCC Norge AS is nominated as the winner of the tender competition with an offer sum of approx. NOK 1.48 billion excl. VAT. The price level of the offers that came in was about as Statens vegvesen expected this contract.

    Following offers were presented(excluding VAT):

    1 - NCC Norge AS                                   1 477 964 737,15,-

    2- JV Implenia Norge AS Allgrunn AS    1 662 123 302,59,-

    3- AF Gruppen Norge AS                       1 705 338 531,67,-

    The largest project in City Package Ålesund With this offer, we are within the management framework for the project, which is NOK 2.6 billion (NOK 2023). Here are all costs with (including VAT). The steering framework has increased by more than NOK 500 million since the Storting (Norwegian parliament) approved the package in 2021, due to the sharp price increase in the construction market.

    The new road will mainly go in a tunnel of 2.6 kilometers, and will relieve today's Lerstadveg and E136 through the districts Moa and Åse. There will be a new top -notch intersection in the west. When the tunnel is opened, a new pedestrian and bicycle path will be built on the entire stretch. There will be the latest contract in the project. The project will provide a big boost for Bydel Lerstad and Åse. Review traffic is moved away from the local area, and a new pedestrian and bicycle path makes it safer to move in the area.

    The start of the construction will be in February/March - more information will come well before that, it will be invited to an information meeting before start -up.

    source: https://kommunikasjon.ntb.no/pressemelding/18030583/statens-vegvesen-innstiller-ncc-til-a-bygge-e136-breivika-lerstad%3FpublisherId%3D17847490%26lang%3Dno

    image: Illustrasjon av den nye toløpstunnelen på E136 Breivika-Lerstad. Statens vegvesen / Red Ant

