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Indonesia: PT MRT Jakarta and Sojitz Corporation agree on the CP205 Phase 2A design and development agreement

    Yi  Wei
    By Yi Wei

    PT MRT Jakarta (Perseroda) and Sojitz Corporation agree on the CP205 Phase 2A design and development agreement, released PT MRT.

    Agreement for cooperation contract and construction of CP 205 Phase 2A MRT Jakarta, namely the Railroad and Rail (track) system has been signed on 17 April in Jakarta between PT MRT Jakarta and Sojitz Corporation. The signing was carried out by PT MRT Jakarta (Perseroda) Construction Director Weni Maulina and Assistant General Manager, Airport, and Transportation Infrastructure Department of Sojitz Corporation Naoki Kazama and witnessed by Indonesian Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi, Japanese Ambassador to Indonesia Masaki Yasushi, Acting Acting. DKI Jakarta Governor Heru Budi Hartono, and President Director of PT MRT Jakarta (Perseroda) Tuhiyat.

    In his remarks, Tuhiyat said that the CP205 tender process used the International Competitive Bidding. "We give appreciation to a strong commitment between Indonesia and Japan so that this signing can finally be carried out. The plan, the CP205 contract period lasted for 75 months, namely until the end of 2029, "he said.

    CP 205 is part of the Jakarta Phase 2A MRT Development Contract Package. This 205 contract package includes substation system (substation system), power distribution system (power distribution system), overhead contact system, signaling, telecommunications, supervisory control and data acquisition (scada), rail (track) , and platform doors (platform screen doors). The contract value is Rp 4.2 trillion. CP205 will support the operations of Jakarta MRT from the HI Roundabout to City.

    "So far, the cooperation of Indonesia and Japan has become a mainstay in the public transportation sector in the city of Jakarta. Through the signing of the CP 205 package contract which includes this Railways System and Track Works, has marked the important journey of the Jakarta MRT Phase 2A. So, his hope, signing This can accelerate the development of the 2A phase as an effort to improve the mobility and quality of life of the community, "said Acting. Governor Heru.

    PJ. Governor Heru thanked the Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia and the Japanese government who had offered JICA and Sojitz Corporation to work with MRT Jakarta. So, for the hard work and support, it has succeeded in realizing the sustainable MRT development.

    "Of course, this international development project is expected to continue and hopefully the project can connect the East-West route and vice versa. Our shared hard work efforts will also be felt by our children and grandchildren in the future, by feeling the ease of access to competent transportation, for Jakarta In the middle of welcoming the global city, "added Acting. Governor Heru.

    In line with PJ. Gub Heru Budi Hartono, Budi Karya Sumadi also mentioned that Jakarta is an example of the success of urban transportation development. "Let us together provide the best for the success of this project, so that it can provide concrete benefits for the community as a form of our commitment, in improving the quality of life of the community and as a legacy for future generations. We hope that with the sustainability of the construction of transportation projects, it can show the community the concrete role of the government, in providing public transportation that can answer the needs of the community. CP 205, the integral part of the second phase of the MRT project with the HI -City Roundabout route, is an important part of the development of the Jakarta MRT development. This project will not only expand the reach of the MRT, but will also increase city connectivity, reduce congestion and improve air quality, by reducing motor vehicle emissions, "he concluded.


