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Norway: Construction of Røatunnel has been agreed between Oslo and Akershus

    Paul K. Madsen
    By Paul K. Madsen

    Oslo and Akershus negotiatons about Oslo Package 3 are over. The page is pretty complex. Important thins is, construction of Røatunnel has been included in the package. Currently is is as part-financing form but expected to turn to full financing.

    Oslo Right had been pushing for the tunn4l and party's Oslopakke 3 negotiator was Mehmet Kaan Inan.

    The tunnel will lead the  traffic on highway 168 under the Røak crossing.

    Statens vegvesen media release over the package is as follows.

    Agreement on extension oslopakke 3 24.5.2024 14:00:00 CEST | Statens vegvesen

    There is agreement between the City of Oslo and Akershus county council on proposals for toll fees, and the extension of Oslo Package 3 to 2045. The agreement gives priorities in maintenance, renewal, as well as projects you want to prioritize. Knut Opheide / SVV Knut Opheide / SVV

    The adjusted project portfolio has a total limit of NOK 93.2 billion for the period 2025-2045. The toll money will still be distributed by 60 per cent to Oslo and 40 per cent to Akershus. The agreement will finally be approved by the city council in Oslo and the county council in Akershus.

    Roof adjustment of tolls

    Many more zero -emission vehicles in the boom ring are very positive, but it has reduced revenues. Now, agreement has been reached on proposals for tariffs that will secure funds for important measures in the years to come. The ceiling arrangement for passenger cars involves moderate step -by -step increases for both fossil and electric vehicles.

    The increase in kroner for electric cars will be the same as for fossil cars. The normal rate for electric cars from 1.1.2025 will increase from NOK 16 to NOK 19 outside the rush hour and from NOK 23 to 25 during rush hour. In 2026, the tariffs are increased by an additional NOK 1 outside rush and NOK 2 during rush hour.

    The tariff for fossil cars from 1.1.2025 is increased by NOK 3 outside the rush hour (to NOK 36), and by NOK 4 during rush hour (for NOK 43). In 2026, the tariffs are increased by an additional NOK 1 outside the rush and 2 kr in rush.


    • Appraisal exemption for electric trucks, hydrogen and biogas up to and including 2030 combined with an increase for heavy fossil vehicles from 2026.
    • Appraisal for vans on electricity and hydrogen up to and including 2030.

    Double tariffs are introduced for new fossil passenger cars during 2026, provided the Storting opens for such a tool.

    The projects - main initiatives

    These are the main priorities:

    • Emphasis on measures that contribute to the zero growth target and to achieve goals of reduced greenhouse gas emissions
    • The main focus on implementing initiated projects, preserving the infrastructure we have and prioritizing funds to strengthen the public transport service in the region.
    • Started projects: Fornebubanen including new wagons, new signal system (CBTC) for the subway and upgrading of Majorstuen station
    • Reinvestment and maintenance of the subway and tram
    • Operation of public transport, including increased funds for the operation of public transport in Akershus and reinforced route services in Groruddalen
    • Further planning of subway extension to Visperud/Skårer
    • Røatunnel
    • The ensjøsvingen
    • Further planning of the subway tunnel through the center, seen in the context of a comprehensive investigation of future solution for the subway infrastructure

    Statements from the parties Oslo council:

    I am proud that we have now landed an agreement that provides large emission cuts, less car traffic and a greener urban development. For Oslo's part, 99 percent of the toll money goes to collective, bicycle and walking. The roof scheme is the best for climate ever, and accelerates the transition to electric cars and electric trucks, while ensuring revenue for maintenance and investments. I am very pleased that we finally get a real collective lift in Groruddalen, with both a new tram line, more subway departures and more buses, says Marit Vea (V), City Council for Environment and Transport in Oslo.

    For the Right, it has been incredibly important and crucial that we keep the boom rates as low as possible. We have worked hard all the way to push them down and succeeded. This is also a historic day for anyone who has been waiting for 30 years at the Røatunnel. I am proud that we have had a breakthrough for financing the Røatunnel, Ensjøsvingen and to improve the collective offer in Groruddalen, says city council representative Mehmet Kaan Inan (H)

    The fact that we manage to keep toll revenues from passenger cars at today's level, while also getting new important collective projects and cuts in climate emissions, is a great victory for the Labor Party. With new tram to Bjerke, construction of Ensjøsvingen, 400 million for strengthened bus services in Groruddalen and several subway departures in Oslo Sør we also get a more fair package of better distribution between East and West, says city council representative Abdullah Alsabeehg (AP)

    Akershus county municipality:

    With this agreement we strengthen the collective offer in Akershus, it is important to reduce car traffic and emissions. I am very pleased with the agreement, and that funds are set aside for further planning of E18 and that we now get the ball in goal when it comes to financing the Fornebubanen, says Anette Marie Solli (H), county council leader in Akershus county municipality.

    We get a historical focus on public transport in Akershus, and ensure that greenhouse gas emissions in the region are cut faster. We ensure the construction of the Fornebubanen, the public transport route to Kjeller and further planning of extension of the subway to Lørenskog. It is crucial that we now get good incentives for faster restructuring to zero -emission vehicles in terms of both passenger cars and heavy vehicles. It should be Night and cheap to travel by public transport, and it should be worthwhile to make the environmentally friendly choices in everyday life. It will be easier now, says Solveig Schytz (V), county council for planning, cultural heritage protection, climate and environment, Akershus county municipality.

    I am happy and proud that we have managed to land a historical commitment to better public transport throughout Akershus, through more money for more bus routes, more frequent departures and cheaper public transport tickets. At the same time we continue to ensure the construction of the Fornebubanen, high-standard public transport route for Kjeller and planning of the subway to Lørenskog. This can make the everyday life of our citizens much easier, says Hoda Imad (Ap), group leader for Akershus Labor Party.

    Statens vegvesen:

    The agreement on the economy of Oslo Package 3 will provide further investment in public transport, cycling and walking. We will have a continued positive development in Oslo and Akershus, says Ingrid Dahl Hovland, the Norwegian Public Roads Administration, who has led the negotiations on a new Oslo Package 3.

    The tariffs in the boom rings and projects that are agreed upon will help to realize the goal of zero growth in passenger car traffic and increased use of public transport, bicycle and walking, emphasizes the road director.

    Targeted efforts are required to reach the zero growth target. Local parties are given a greater responsibility to reach the zero growth target where accurate tolls in addition to land and parking policy are key tools.

    Further processing of the agreement

    The state is not a party to the agreement. On the basis of local agreement, the Norwegian Public Roads Administration will prepare a professional basis for final local political treatment in county councils and city councils, as well as parliamentary treatment of the revised toll package.

    About Oslo Package 3

    Oslo package 3 is a plan for road development, operation and development of public transport in Oslo and Akershus. The time horizon is 2008-2045. The goal is to develop a safe, environmentally friendly, efficient and accessible transport system for a region of strong growth. Oslopakke 3 is an overall plan for the development and financing of roads and public transport in Oslo and Akershus.


