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Switzerland: The new Albulatunnel is officially opened

    André Tarry
    By André Tarry

    Switzerland Albulatunnel opens

    On Saturday, June 8, 2024, the Rhaetian Railway (RHB) celebrated the official opening of the new Albulatunnel. The more than 300 invited guests from the train industry as well as politics, business and tourism experienced a varied program in the marquee at the tunnel portals in Spinas and Preda. And in between - in the new tunnel - a light show caused a lot of enthusiasm. As a guest of honor, Federal Councilor Dr. Albert Rösti of the RHB maintenance.

    The two Graubünden Councilors Stefan Engler and Martin Schmid, National Councilor Jon Pult, President Franz Sepp Caluori, were among those present. The two locations of Bever and Bergün Filisur were represented by community president Selina Nicolay and Mayor Luzi Protection. Director Peter Füglistaler and Vice Director Anna Barbara Remund, as well as from the Office for Energy and Transport Graubünden (AEV), were present from the Federal Office (BAV).
    The 5 860 -meter -long new Albulatunnel was built in parallel to the existing tunnel in a ten -year construction period and is connected to it with 12 cross -connections. The total project costs are CHF 407 million. After the operation in the new tunnel, the old Albulat tunnel will be converted into a safety tunnel. The first schedule will run by the new Albulatunnel on June 12, 2024.

    Photo (also courtesy of Rhaetian Railway (RHB))

    Mario Cavigelli (Board of Directors RHB), Jon Domenic Parolini (President of Graubünden), Albert Rösti (Federal Council) and Renato Fasciati (Director RHB) before the new Albulatunnel portal in Preda.

