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Italy: SICIM awarded construction of natural gaz pipeline and tunnels

    Giacomo Marcelli
    By Giacomo Marcelli

    Italian company SICIM has been awarded the third lot of the construction project of the natural gas pipeline Sestino  Minerbio.

    The lot awarded to SICIM runs through various localities of the province of Forl Cesena (FC), including Mercato Saraceno, Roncofreddo, Sogliano al Rubicone and Cesena, and has a total length of 31 kilometres.

    The contract also includes the creation of various concentrated works: two line installations, eight microtunnels (with total length of 2750 metres), a 128 metre tunnel, and a 2180 metre long tunnel using TBM (Tunnel Boring Machine) technology. Moreover, two Direct Pipes are provided for with a length totalling 1270 metres, combined with Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) of the same length, for the installation of the fibre-optic cable and crossing of eleven above-ground water courses.

    The works were commissioned by Snam Rete Gas, and are scheduled to be completed for 2026.


