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Norway: Plans for Bømlafjord crossing are on hold for the time being

    Paul K. Madsen
    By Paul K. Madsen


    Pending processing of Bømlafjord crossing

    The Ministry of Transport and Communications has decided that the KVU E39 crossing of the Bømlafjord will not be processed further at this stage.

    This means that no external quality assurance (KS1) or feasibility study of the concept choice for the fjord crossing will be carried out.

    The background to the decision is that the project E39 Ådland–Svegatjørn (Hordfast) is not prioritized in the National Transport Plan 2025–2036 (Meld. St. 14), and is therefore not planned to be built in this period. The construction of Hordfast is an important prerequisite for the KVU E39 crossing of the Bømlafjord. With an expected increase in traffic on the route, among other things as a result of Hordfast, the Bømlafjord Tunnel will need better escape routes and an additional tunnel run.

    The regulatory plan for E39 Hordfast will be completed, so that it can be used as a basis for assessments of any changes to Statens vegvesen's (the Norwegian Public Roads Administration) planning portfolio.

    The KVU E39 crossing of the Bømlafjord was commissioned by the Ministry of Transport and Communications in a letter to Statens vegvesen on 5 July 2021. Statens vegvesen sent the completed KVU report to the Ministry of Transport and Communications on 11 March 2024. In the report, Statens vegvesen recommended concept K3, which makes it possible to develop the current E39 into a four-lane road and, among other things, involves the construction of a new tunnel parallel to the current Bømlafjord tunnel. The concept is flexible, and can be developed in stages as the need arises. The KVU report was also on public consultation during the period 25 March–28 June 2024, and the majority of the comments support the recommendation.

    source: Statens vegvesen press release.

