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Results for "CHINA tunnel boring machine"


    • RL

      Comment on "Comments"

      A (Data)Tag is the representation of a physical sensor on the machine in the software, e.g. a pressure sensor giving values in bar

      • Santiago Morales

        Comment on "Follo line double TBM breakthrough! (Norway)"

        The machine is Herrenknecht. But anybody know what Disc cutters they used? Also Herrenknecht?

        • Lutz Genscher

          Comment on "A Great Moment of Tunnelling from way back: 1 December 1990 EUROTUNNEL Breakthrough!"

          Looking at the meeting point on the drawing, it looks like the English did the most of the boring and the French just waited!

          • Engin Ünverdi

            Comment on "Overheating Metros"

            It is unwisest thing if you spend your savings on it. Your job is initiator. The art is to m...nvironment groups, you can talk to metro car producers Bombardier, Siemens, Korea and China m...

            • Gianluca Gallota

              Comment on "item:object:river_object"

              Tunnel Widening Case *****   #Palmieri Tunnel Widening Machines in operation - #Montedomini Tunnel #Italia  

              • Pedro M.

                Comment on "Discussion replies"

                @Pankaj You were right about the tail brushes "The seal of Chundee’s tail skin brush went off when it was boring...

                • Steve McMillan

                  Comment on "Discussion replies"

                  Hi Lutz. You are confusing CityRailLink with the CentralInterceptor project. The former is 12 meter transport tunnel whereas the latter is a 5.45m waste water tunnel. In any case, knowing your preferences, you will be glad to hear that it is 2-0 for Herrenknecht.

                  • Kris Lubcek

                    Comment on "item:object:river_object"

                    More opposition to Stonehenge tunnel...

                    • Lutz Genscher

                      Comment on "item:object:river_object"

                      Looking back the Cologne tunnel sinking, can you blame the Bundestag administrators? &quo...had been damaged by the construction of the underground tunnel...rlin/einigung-im-streit-zwischen-bahn-und-bundestag-s21-tunnel-...

                      • M. Demir

                        Comment on "item:object:river_object"

                        Newspapers say train cars split into 2 before they pass through Marmaray tunnel in İstanbul. Marmaray is an immersed tunnel. They did not want whole train cause weight risk.