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Results for "Gulermak Tata Projects Limited Pune Metro Rail Project Maharashtra"


    • Engin Ünverdi

      Comment on "Overheating Metros"

      It is unwisest thing if you spend your savings on it. Your job is initiator. The art is to say difficult to do. Example, you can invite environment groups, you can talk to metro car p...

      • Steve McMillan

        Comment on "Discussion replies"

        Hi Lutz. You are confusing CityRailLink with the CentralInterceptor project. The former is 12 meter transport tunnel whereas the latter is a 5.45m waste water tunnel. In any case, knowing your preferences, you will be glad to hear that it is 2-0 for Herrenknecht.

        • Paolo Kerguel

          Comment on "Discussion replies"

          Yes it is true that whenever an article has "Elon Musk" in it, the guy gets the...en again, it is just impossible to write this guy off. With a 10 times faster TBM, projects wo...

          • Paul K. Madsen

            Comment on "item:object:river_object"

            The New Ulriken tunnel was also in the short list of the 2019 ITA awards but some other project got it

            • Pankaj

              Comment on "Cutter and tools"

              If anyone wants to buy our factory cutter and tools you can contact me on +919618594343 Since we are manufactur so our price compared agents and traders will be less and cost effective to project....

              • Ari G.J. van der Dijk

                Comment on "Overheating Metros"

                i would go for gov or eu funds. it is most likely with right combination of a company, university collabration team...A friend of mine was in such collaborative thing. In my humble opinion their project was...


                  Comment on "World Tunnel Congress 2020 Kuala Lumpur - WTC2020"

                  Hi, there fellow Tunnel guys.     If your TBM tunnel or NATM tunnel project requires, or you know about a project that requires Tunnel Supplies, please have a look on the attached PDF product catalog o...

                  • Tim Altman

                    Comment on "Discussion replies"

                    It was only short time ago that they've got their shiny P.R. boys and girls publish honeypot "news"

                    • Carlos Kirschner

                      Comment on "item:object:river_object"

                      Berlin S21 Tunnel Construction: According to the Berliner Morgenpost, the Deutsche Bahn and the Bundestag administr...stag and gives Deutsche Bahn the opportunity to pursue the underground tunnel project....

                      • Kris Lubcek

                        Comment on "Follo line double TBM breakthrough! (Norway)"

                        Maybe the disc cutters were not Herrenknecht. You know how it works. First x meters you use disc cutters of the To be sure maybe someone who worked in the project com...