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Results for "for"


    • Keith Keloe

      Comment on "Discussion replies"

      I think there are still strong business and technical cases for keeping to use Drill & Blast technology. Please check out the TBM article link.

      • Jorrit Reinders

        Comment on "Discussion replies"

        Hi, Why do you think TBM tunnelling is safer for workers?

        • Matt J. Scott

          Comment on "CANCELLED - NAT2020 North American Tunneling Conference (Nashville - Tennessee)"

          ...Notice We are disappointed to inform you that NAT 2020 has been c...’s not the outcome we planned for and we are saddened we won&rs...irtual options to offer. Stay tuned for more information coming soon...pment, wherever you are. Looking forward, we know the current situ...

          • Robin McAuley

            Comment on "Discussion replies"

            Sorry I replied at the wrong place. I repeat here: You are right. Cost is not the only reason why you may want to go for non-TBM tunnelling. As you have pointed out there are some other important considerations in favour of conventional tunnelling.

            • Martin Sirzo

              Comment on "item:object:river_object"

              I have one thing to add! Please help TunnelContact reach more people also on other platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter en so forth, by 'Like'ing, retweeting, sharing our posts!

              • Dave Anderson

                Comment on "Discussion replies"

                Well, then don't vote for your politicians. Germany is the main customer of Russian gas.

                • Paul K. Madsen

                  Comment on "Discussion replies"

                  This is definitely the "Marianne effect". She made her point at the right time, for the right audience and in the right way.

                  • Petri Anttonen

                    Comment on "Overheating Metros"

                    Thank you for the paper Calvin.

                    • RL

                      Comment on "Open-Plant"

                      ...mimic stuff that they did not want to pay money for in the first place? Not so gr...a great thing and surely a great tool at least for smaller jobsites with less ne...le one of the ones I searched - ... that speaks for their tech-savyness ... not)....


                        Comment on "Comments"

                        ...set up, it will generate your daily reports needed to monitor the TBM performance and in the event of some breakdown, it is a CRUCIAL TOOL for the troubleshooting of the TB...