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Results for "Machine Learning"


    • Quirin Poltinger

      Comment on "Discussion replies"

      Hi Peter, actually, it can... It is an old NFM machine from the Thomson Line project in Singapore that was refurbished by Robbins for this drive in Mumbai.

      • RL

        Comment on "Comments"

        A (Data)Tag is the representation of a physical sensor on the machine in the software, e.g. a pressure sensor giving values in bar

        • Dave Anderson

          Comment on "Discussion replies"

          ' thanks to the Japanese engineers' contributions to tunnel boring machine technology'? Are you serious? The last time I checked it was the USA a.k.a Robbins, who invented TBM and took it further than anyone else.

          • Santiago Morales

            Comment on "Follo line double TBM breakthrough! (Norway)"

            The machine is Herrenknecht. But anybody know what Disc cutters they used? Also Herrenknecht?

            • Alan Limbach

              Comment on "item:object:river_object"

              Donnie the Tunnel Boring Machine, behind some people. #Coxwell

              • Dave Anderson

                Comment on "Discussion replies"

                This prufrock thing pure vaporware. Elon Musk has no experience in mechanical engineering yet alone in tunnel boring machines. You may hire some experienc...that on a Lovat TBM. But inventing a tunnel boring machine...

                • Paolo Kerguel

                  Comment on "Discussion replies"

                  Yes it is true that whenever an article has "Elon Musk" in it, the guy gets the benefit of the doubt even for radical things like 10 times faster boring tunnel boring machine....