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Results for "tunnelling India"


    • Jorrit Reinders

      Comment on "Discussion replies"

      Absolutely right. TBM tunnelling is one of the techniques but it is not the only tunnelling technique. It is not one size fits all solution.

      • Jørn Madsen

        Comment on "Comments"

        Drill & Blast tunnelling is far more harmful to the workers' lungs compared to the TBM tunnelling.

        • Robin McAuley

          Comment on "Discussion replies"

          Sorry I replied at the wrong place. I repeat here: You are right. Cost is not the only reason why you may want to go for non-TBM tunnelling. As you have pointed out there are some other important considerations in favour of conventional tunnelling.


            Comment on "Comments"

            Hi RL I have used in two TBM in India and its really great, you can even have teh TBM OP to digitally fill i...this is a STANDALONE and working like a charm. Leif S Lockdown in MD India.

            • Martin Sirzo

              Comment on "World Tunnel Congress 2020 Kuala Lumpur - WTC2020"

                Not Only Do Major Players In Tunnelling Race To Be A Sponsor For The World's Premier Event For Tunnelling Community, but World Tunnel C...on of Engineers, Malaysia and the International Tunne...

              • Martin Sirzo

                Comment on "World Tunnel Congress 2020 Kuala Lumpur - WTC2020"

                In professional #networking, nothing beats the face to face contact, not eve...demic and technological developments in tunnelling, but it is also the best networking event in the tunnelling world! Do not let this opp...gineers, Malaysia and the International Tunne...

                • Martin Sirzo

                  Comment on "A Great Moment of Tunnelling from way back: 1 December 1990 EUROTUNNEL Breakthrough!"

                  Dear @Ansh, channel tunnel geology may have been a dream geology for tunnellers but does not change the fact that, it was a great tunnelling achievement. It is the chalk layer all the way. It was a grea tunne...

                  • Martin Sirzo

                    Comment on "World Tunnel Congress 2020 Kuala Lumpur - WTC2020"

                    In professional #networking, nothing beats the face to face contact, not eve...demic and technological developments in tunnelling, but it is also the best networking event in the tunnelling world! Do not let this opp...gineers, Malaysia and the International Tunne...

                    • Martin Sirzo

                      Comment on "World Tunnel Congress 2020 Kuala Lumpur - WTC2020"

                      In professional #networking, nothing beats the face to face contact, not eve...demic and technological developments in tunnelling, but it is also the best networking event in the tunnelling world! Do not let this opp...gineers, Malaysia and the International Tunne...

                      • Joey Koleman

                        Comment on "item:object:river_object"

                        if you read the linked article, it says an Iranian company called Kayson builds tunnels at far places like Venezuela, Belarus, Cameroon, India. Can this be true?