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Results for "Talinski tunnel"

Wall posts

    • Paolo Kerguel

      The Boring Company’s Las Vegas tunnel project enters full construction phase

      • Gianluca Gallota

        #Galbati Italian Tunnel Machinery Segment Erector for TBM

        • Gianluca Gallota

          CF&S completes tunnel boring shipment for Tashkent metro extension #heavyTransport #tunnelBoringMachines #tunnelBoringMachine #TBM

          • Alex Kesrit

            A last-ditch October attempt by Hackney Council to suspend the contentious Silvertown Tunnel was rebuffed by Greenwich Council leader Danny Thorpe.

            • Ansh Chaturvedi

              Border Roads Organisation (BRO): Rohtang tunnel may become operational in eight months #India

              • Chu Yang

                12.3-kilometer Xinhua Tunnel, part of the Dali-Lincang Railway open.

                • Erdem Mertoğlu

                  Türkiye: Denizli Honaz #tunnel is approaching construction finish. 2,6 kilometer tunnel near Denizli connect Ankara to Muğla, Antalya. After finish, less traffic in Denizli city.

                  • Ravnish Sharma

                    Nepal: 9 international banks and financial institutions are making an i...irect investment (FDI) in the hydropower sector. It includes a tunnel of 10 kilometers and a 292 meter high vertical pressure tunnel. https://myrepublica.nagarik...

                    • Roger N.R. Denton

                      Maryland receives a $125 million federal grant for the $466 million project to increase the height of the Howard Street Tunnel, leading to the Port of Baltimore.

                      • Robert Storman

                        Transport Minister Phil Twyford says he's not ruling out br...nging forward construction of an extra Mt Victoria tunnel.