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Results for "World Tunnel Congress Kuala Lumpur"

Wall posts

    • Alan Limbach

      They are building this rail tunnel, only 180 meters long, under the Macdonald–Ca...(sequential excavation method): is a modern tunnel d...moved steadily at a one-metre pace, with the tunne...giant drill under the highway to encase the tunnel...

      • Gianluca Gallota

        Firenze will restart twin-bore 7km High Speed Train Tunnel. A cost:benefit analysis has...with the project to build 7 km twin-bore high speed rail tunne...m/infrastructure/favourable-opinion-on-firenze-high-speed-tunnel...

        • Simon Gent

          #NewYorkTunnelMeetUp - I shall be in NY on 22nd November. I propose to come together as tunnel people for a chatting,...inking evening. As for venue, I propose Bridge and Tunne...are interested, please DM me. http://www.bridgeandtunnel...

          • Arie van den Broek

            An impeccable list of upcoming tunnelling projects in the USA, by Tunnel Business Magazine. #tunnel #construction #projects

            • Robert Storman

              #Wellington City councillor Sean Rush pushes for the extra Mt Victoria tunnel and gets some push-back #NewZealand #tunnels

              • Julian Buch

                The escape route for pedestrians via the planned new evacuation tunnel will be 1,100 metres – incl...the Principality who is the operator of the Rainier III tunne...test-news/a-gigantic-safety-project-for-the-rainier-iii-tunnel...

                • André Tarry

                  Implenia celebrates breakthrough in southern tube of Albvorland tby he WANDA tunnel boring machine. Deutsche Bahn to build the 8-kilometre Albvorland Tunne...ful end of Implenia’s drilling work on the Albvorland Tunnel...

                  • Stanko Novak

                    Report: Slovenia, Austria to jointly upgrade Karavanke #rail tunnel [not to be confused with the Karavanke motorway tunnel]

                    • Tim Altman

                      Labour’s new-found dedication to environmentalism is completely undermined by its continued support for the polluting and downright dangerous Silvertown Tunnel. #silvertown #silvertownTunnel #environment

                      • Chu Yang

                        Nepal shortlist #China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group (CREEG) for a project with 22.2 km of #tunnel. Tunnel part of 76.2-kilometre-long Kathmand...ists-six-firms-for-supervision-of-construction-work/ #CREG #CREGtbm #tunnel...