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Results for "poor tunnelling"

Wall posts

    • Roger N.R. Denton the first batch of 100,000-tonne reinforcing steel to Melbourne West Gate Tunnel Project’s Footscray launch site. #Victoria #tunnelling

      • Lutz Genscher

        With #Herrenknecht Mixshield Tunnel Boring Machine Kathleen, consortium of co...bour in an historic milestone for public transport in Sydney.

        • Ansh Chaturvedi

          #Maharashtra: Metro #tunnel boring trial starts. Full survey of the route is not yet completed because of resistance from the residents. #india #TBM #tunnelling

          • Keith Keloe

            Scots pensioners forced out home after £100m super sewer damages house Stephen #sloppy #tunnelling #scottishWater

            • Gianluca Gallota

              AIRMOVER3000: The innovative moving system based on air cushion technology, designe...Florence, in Italy. #Palmieri #tunnelling

              • Ansh Chaturvedi

                15 (FIFTEEN) Tunnel Boring Machines to arrive for Metro work at Chennai Metro’s phase II work. #Madras #India #CMRL

                • Lutz Genscher

                  President of #Herrenknecht Tunnelling Systems USA Jack Brockway gets the prestigious engineering award The Golden Beaver Award in Los Angeles. It is given annually by ‘The Beavers’, a...

                  • Roger N.R. Denton

                    "Cross River Rail will create 7700 construction jobs throughout south-east Queensland." The first part of tunnelling on the project was expected t...

                    • Ansh Chaturvedi

                      PUNE: The Maharashtra State Road Development Corporation (MSRDC) starts the constr...nel-8-laning-to-cut-6-km-30-minutes/story-cXLwbd6WOTekBbsiFeteHM.html #India #tunnelling

                      • Peter R. Morgan

                        Once they start talking about it, they might make it real one day. "The UK reall...eland with a high-speed rail tunnel under the Irish Sea. A dramatic fall in tunnelling costs following technical adv...