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Results for "World Tunnel Congress 2020"

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    • Jorrit Reinders

      Can you believe this? Human lives don't count A Dutch ambulance crew tran...d up for 20 minutes because a Belgian tunnel operator refused to waive the...toll. #coronavirus #covid19 #Bel...

      • Julien Lakeman

        We live in extraordinary days guys. #Coronavirus closes even #tunnels... #covid19 #pandemic

        • Keith Keloe

          "Ireland’s longest-ever underwater horizontal directional drills" More importantly it is in Cork. The second best place after Kerry. #Eire #Ireland

          • Adrian Olmex

            Trump administration deals another blow to Gateway Tunnel #NewYork

            • Arie van den Broek

              2020 "Microtunneling Achievement Award Winners" Announced

              • Julian Buch

                The escape route for pedestrians via the planned new evacuation tunnel will be 1,100 metres – including elev...ho is the operator of the Rainier III tunnel which in total covers 1,560 m...ic-safety-project-for-the-rainier-iii-tunnel-planned-for-2020-to-2026/

                • Roger N.R. Denton

                  Nancy, Mum Shirl, Wendy and Mabel have completed their work and being removed. #sydney

                  • Chu Yang

                    #China driverless fast train goes 350 kilometer per hour this week in preparation...175km Beijing and Zhangjiakou route have 6 km tunnel under Beijing and 12 km tunnel the Great Wall.

                    • Ansh Chaturvedi

                      Mumbai Metro completes 75% tunneling, sets new goals for 2020

                      • Adrian Olmex

                        If Irish Engineers saying it, Elon Musk had better to listen to it...`Before Elon Musk builds a tunnel under Chicago, he should reme...tem of long-forgotten freight tunnels underneath the city flooded...ttp://