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Results for "Indonesia fast train tunnel"

Wall posts

    • Ahmet Abu Vadim

      Good question answer

      • Robert Storman

        Tunnel project worries Melbourne residents as government buys the houses.

        • Chu Yang

          Chinese mainland's first undersea subway tunnel starts operation #China #Tunnel #Technology #CREG

          • Martin Sirzo

            While you are in Kuala Lumpur for World Tunnel Congress 2020, do not miss the opportunities...lications Of #Geosynthetics And New Uses In #Tunnel And Underground Space https:...pplications-of-geosynthetics-and-new-uses-in-tunnel-and-underground-space #WTC202...

            • Alan Limbach

              Dec. 14, boring officially began on the new Coxwell Bypass Tunnel, which is the first stage of the $3-billi...ther Flow System. The new Coxwell Bypass Tunnel will have a diameter of 6.3 m...digging-east-toronto-s-new-coxwell-bypass-tunnel/ #Donnie #Toronto

              • Teodor Adamczyk

                The tunnel in Świnoujście will become the second underwater road tunnel in Poland. The tunneling will start as planned in March 2021. A consortium of...y) is responsible for the design and construction of the tunnel in Świnoujście (investments w...

                • Chu Yang

                  CREG TBM Completes Breakthrough at Bo’ao West Line Tunnel #China #Tunnel #Technology #TBM #TunnelBoringMachine

                  • Kris Lubcek

                    More futile attempts against the Stonehenge tunnel.

                    • Kris Lubcek

                      And they also use the emotional angle against the planned Stonehenge tunnel

                      • Chu Yang

                        #China Tunnel Photo Albums : Binxian Tunnel under construction in Binzhou City, NW China's Shaanxi