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Results for "Asfinag"


    • Lutz Genscher

      Austria has invested more than 5.6 billion euros across Austria in the safety of tunnels on motorways and expressways in the past twenty years. And all this was triggered by a tragic accident... Across Austria, more than 80 tunnels have been completely renovated and technically upgraded. Softwar...

      Tags: Asfinag, Austria, tunnel, safety, tunnelsafety

      • Lutz Genscher

        Austria goes green also for tunnels. In Austria's #SmartTunnels, Green" energy now covers the basic consumption of the Manzenreith tunnel and other tunnels on the S10 Mühlviertler expressway. A total of 371 photovoltaic modules were installed on the roof of the nearby #Asfinag base in Lasberg. No...

        Tags: SmartTunnels, Asfinag