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Results for "BorisTunnel"


    • Kris Lubcek

      They were debating in British Parliament over the construction of "Boris Tunnel"in 1899

      OK, the Boris part is not true, but as early as in 1899, British Parliament met to discuss “a submarine tunnel” which would connect Great Britain and the island of Ireland". Probably the lawmakers were a bit ahead of the technology available then. Probably such a tunnel is tec...

      Tags: BorisTunnel

      • Kris Lubcek

        Boris Johnson approves the review of potential Scotland - Ireland Rail Link

        The Boris Fixed Link between Scotland and Northern Ireland, once ridiculed, is being taken seriously as the days pass, it looks. In the latest development, a review proposal by Network Rail chairman Sir Peter Hendy to conduct a review for the link has been approved by the man himself. T...

        Tags: BorisTunnel, BorisFixedLink, BorisLink