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Results for "China quality"


    • Robin McAuley

      What is the difference between welding, soldering and brazing

        Soldering: Soldering is used to join t...ocess (hence decrease the human error and increase quality predictability). This is espe...ting strength of the join depends very much on the quality of the materials used and als...

      • Robin McAuley

        Buying Advice for Bichak-Cutters

        WARNING UNDER CONSTRUCTION. Bichak Cutters ("kn...specific case. BC-4 How do they check the steel quality? The metal block of the Bi...ring the boring operation. The bottom line is; the quality of the casting is very import...

        • Robin McAuley

          Conventional Tunnelling versus Mechanized Tunnelling

            Why choose Mechanized Tunnelling over Mechaniz...t such surprises, though not all. Uniformity of Quality Mechanized Tunnelling generally provides a more uniform quality of the finished product. Beca...

          • Robin McAuley

            TBM Y-Parts sourcing: Should you buy your TBM Cutters from TBM Manufacturer or from Independent Manufacturers?

            Incomplete content Y-Parts, the commonly referred fo...As a matter of fact, it is safe to assert that the quality of the Y-Parts supplied by TB...guarantee of at least a certain level (average) of quality. - Often bad price/perform...

            • Robin McAuley

              How much does a Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) cost?

              ...urkey, Korea and most importantly China. The entry of Chinese manu...radically in recent years. Before China's TBM manufacturers flood...be due to some perceived level of quality for a familiar TBM brand whic...n brand will be offering a better quality at a higher price. Proj...