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Results for "Denmark Germany tunnel"

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    • Lutz Genscher

      Covert Chinese TBM promotion in a German periodical. They entered Europe with Turkey, then Italy and then Denmark. They are targeting now Germany. https://www.elektrotechnik.vogel.de/tunnelbohrmaschine-vertraut-auf-steuerung-per-funk-a-914158/

      • Lutz Genscher

        The Sirius Minerals engineering team in Germany for 60 m tall #Herrenknecht #Shaft Boring roadheader. https://im-mining.com/2019/06/21/sirius-minerals-engineers-germany-shaft-boring-roadheader-tests/

        • Lutz Genscher

          The second underground tunnel for #Leipzig did not play the central role at the SPD city convention, https://www.l-iz.de/wirtschaft/mobilitaet/2019/12/Der-zweite-City-Tunnel-spielte-beim-SPD-Stadtparteitag-gar-nicht-die-zentrale-Rolle-307700?sfw=pass1575844808 #Germany #sbahn #tunnel

          • Lutz Genscher

            There is a lot of China-fetish going around. Therefore I shall counter with post some Herrenknecht videos. It is from the series called "Tunnel Boring Machinery for Mexico:| Made in Germany" It says a lot about the TBMs in general. I hope you enjoy.

            • Alex Kesrit

              #Diesel buses are not a good idea for tunnels. And not for Lyon's tunnel modes doux de la Croix-Rousse. Diesel vehicles are never a good idea. Only in Germany every year 160.000 people di...://www.lyoncapitale.fr/actualite/lyon-un-tunnel-modes-doux-avec-des-bus-diese...

              • Jørn Sørensen

                How and why Øresund bridge was built? https://www.engineersjournal.ie/2020/02/10/how-and-why-oresund-bridge-was-built/ #Danmark #Denmark

                • Gianluca Gallota

                  Two tunnels and one world record. Fracht, the global project forwarding specialist...ex multi-modal transportation of one 515 tonne tunnel bor...om the recently completed River Humber utility tunnel to its home in Germany, while a second has claimed...

                  • Carlos Kirschner

                    ...nate Administration argue on #tunnel construction. For over two...z - because they don't want a tunnel near the Reichstag (parliamen...aste and an already completed tunnel at Potsdamer Platz would have...on-bahntunnel/25332050.html #Germany

                    • Erdem Mertoğlu

                      The new EPB Tunnel Boring Machine of E-BERK called `Lale` is named after the first female governor of the republi...er first female prime minister Tansu Çiller, more than a decade **before** #Germany have a fem...

                      • Lutz Genscher

                        Baden-Württemberg, Germany’s most affluent federal state and home to Mercedes-Benz and Porsche, world-class engineering companies such as #Herrenknecht and Liebherr goes for Greens. https://www.ft.com/content/132451b2-99ae-11e9-9573-ee5cbb98ed36