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Results for "ENI"

Wall posts

    • Chu Yang

      Interview: China-Indonesia strategic synergy continues deepening, says Chinese ambassador http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2019-10/18/c_138482196.htm #Walini #tunnel #HighSpeedRail

      • Teodor Adamczyk

        https://dzienniklodzki.pl/tunel-pod-lodzia-wielkie-krety-wywierca-tunel-lodzkiego-metra-film-z-wiercenia-tunelu-zdjecia-maszyny-wiercacej-tunel-w-lodzi/ar/c3-14511707 #herrenknecht

        • André Tarry

          JV Marti Meyrin, Marti Tunnel and Impenia build the next generation tunnel for CERN in Switzerland and france. https://www.enr.com/articles/48009-geneva-physicists-look-to-future-but-their-tunnels-are-being-built-now

          • André Tarry

            Implenia celebrates breakthrough in southern tube of Albvorland tby he WANDA tunnel boring machine. Implenia has been commissioned by Deu...tube by TBM Wanda marked the successful end of Implenia’s drilling work on the Albvo...

            • R.N. Mischke


              • Simon Gent

                #NewYorkTunnelMeetUp - I shall be in NY on 22nd November. I propose to come together as tunnel people for a chatting, networking and drinking evening. As for venue, I propose Bridg...

                • Adrian Olmex

                  ...Starts 11/21 at 7 AM PST/10 AM EST/3 PM GMT. Can't make it? Register and Robbins will send you the recording. Interesting subject and the convenience of Robbins. Can it get be...

                  • Teodor Adamczyk

                    ...Tender offers should be met at the end of January 2020. Proposals will be assessed against three criteria: price (60%), warranty period (30%), shortening the time to complete from 3...

                    • Arie van den Broek

                      ...western #China has collapses, killing 4 people and leaving another 8 missing. Water and mud burst from the tunnel as work was underway Tuesday evening in the Yunnan province city...

                      • Erdem Mertoğlu

                        İzmir Büyükkent (metropolitan) municipality is opening a new tender for a 7,1 kilometer Buca Tunnel. http://www.cumhuriyet.com.tr/haber/turkiye/1704726/izmir-buyuksehir-belediyesi-buca-tuneli-icin-ihaleye-cikiyor.html #Türkiye