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Results for "Guidance system"

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    • Gianluca Gallota

      AIRMOVER3000: The innovative moving system based on air cushion technology, designed and built by Palmieri Group...urn of Martina machine, the biggest TBM in the world, and its back-up system in the record time of 15 days...

      • Peter R. Morgan

        #Indra awarded a €75 million contract in The US to implement a state-of-the-art ai toll system #MovaTraffic #tunnels

        • Dave Anderson

          #Akkerman Bentonite Injection System (ABIS) Overview #pipeJacking #microTunneling

          • Robert Storman

            Hello all. Anybody has experience with this GroundProbe’s GML (Geotech Monitoring LiDAR) system? Manufacturer claims it is "...

            • Teodor Adamczyk

              Serbian government to borrow up to €580 million in capital to finance a metro system in the country’s capital city, #Belgrade. #serbia

              • R.N. Mischke

                Anybody hear of "Transpod". They pitch for Alberta, Canada. They advertise themselves a...ere at TransPod, a Canadian-based company that is building a leading hyperloop system to redefine and improve comme...

                • Lutz Genscher

                  Austria goes green also for tunnels. In Austria's #SmartTunnels, Green" energy now cove...were installed on the roof of the nearby #Asfinag base in Lasberg. Now the PV system goes into operation. https:/...

                  • Alan Limbach

                    Dec. 14, boring officially began on the new Coxwell Bypass Tunnel, which is the first stage of the $3-billion Don River and Central Waterfront Wet Weather Flow System. The new Coxwell Bypass Tunn...

                    • Lutz Genscher

                      Austria has invested more than 5.6 billion euros across Austria in the safety of tunnel...erts sound in the event of abnormalities such as a tire blowout or voices. The system has already proved itself in...

                      • Adrian Olmex

                        If Irish Engineers saying it, Elon Musk had better to listen to it `Before Elon Musk...el under Chicago, he should remember the Chicago Flood` n 1992, a leak in a system of long-forgotten freight tun...