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Results for "Innovative"

Wall posts

    • Chu Yang

      #CREG's #Innovative U-shape #TBM

      • Gianluca Gallota

        AIRMOVER3000: The innovative moving system based on air cushion technology, designed and built by Palmieri Group. Using AirMover3000, Toto S.p.A. Costruzioni Generali completed th...

        • Kris Lubcek

          West Cumbria water pipeline work wins New Civil Engineer Award "for demonstrating to the rest of the industry that with an innovative approach you can use existing technology to work fu...

          • Alan Limbach

            ...building this rail tunnel, only 180 meters long, under the Macdonald–Cartier Freeway (so called Highway 401). They claim they are using these `innovative techniques`. To me, they are...