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Results for "Mechanical Excavation"


    • Robin McAuley

      Conventional Tunnelling versus Mechanized Tunnelling

      ...ional Tunnelling also employs explosives and mechanical tools. But they are mostly li...ives placed in drilled holes on the wall for excavation. Mechanized is the use of Tunnel Boring Machines for excavation and support creation. Mechani...

      • Paolo Kerguel

        Richard James Robbins

          Richard James Robbins (1933 - 2019) (Born: 1933 - Died: 30 May 2019 filed 11 US patents and 56 foreign patents in mechanized tunnel excavation.Those include such fundementa...

        • Robin McAuley

          Buying Advice for Bichak-Cutters

          WARNING UNDER CONSTRUCTION. Bichak Cutters ("knives" or "scrapers") are cutters used for bori...loy steel is steel that is alloyed with a variety of elements to improve its mechanical...

          • Robin McAuley

            How much does a Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) cost?

            This is a general guide for how much a Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) costs. TBM prices...) basically depends on the following parameters: TBM Diameter The excavation or boring diameter of a TBM i...