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Results for "Swiss"

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    • André Tarry

      How #Swiss #tunnel technology is controlling pollution a cont...s emissions while causing growing health issues. A Swiss programme based on technology...a leader in addressing vehicle smog. https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/black-carbon-filte...

      • Lutz Genscher

        In Swiss village of Twann, houses and vines have to give way to tunnels. That is the problem. Foremost for the bilogical winemakers. #Twanntunnel https://www.srf.ch/news/schweiz/streit-um-umfahrung-von-twann-haus-und-reben-muessen-tunnel-weichen #Switzerland

        • André Tarry

          Grand Paris Express - The first tunnel boring machine breakthrough from Swiss construction giant Implenia. https://www.blick.ch/news/wirtschaft/historischer-durchstich-fuer-implenia-in-frankreich-blick-war-dabei-schweizer-koloss-frisst-sich-durch-paris-id15781264.html #GrandParisExpress #Implenia