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Results for "ball bearings"

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    • Robin McAuley

      How much does a Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) cost?

      This is a general guide for how much a Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) costs. TBM pr...ufactures and in greater numbers. Hence in turn; their spare parts, (e.g. main bearings etc) of this size are often a...

    Top-level pages

      • Pankaj

        Cutter and tools

            Shandong Tian You Tunnel Engineering Equipment Co., Ltd. was establ...D, production and sales of shield cutting tools, shield tail brushes and main bearings sealed oil and grease for urb...


        • Michael C. Murray

          Which brand of ball bearings the best for 17" Disc Cutters?

          Hi folks, We are in the market for 17" Disc cutters and one supplier offered us two different manufacturers' products. I noticed that one uses Timken brand ball bearings whereas the other one uses SKF. Anybody has any experience? Which one is better? Timken or SKF? Best.

          Tags: ball bearings, timken, skf, TBM disc cutter bearins, Tunnel Boring Machine, TBM, 17" Disc Cutter, disc cutter