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Results for "machines"


    • Paolo Kerguel

      Richard James Robbins

      ...e was the son of James Robbins, the inventor of the rock Tunnel Boring Machines and the founder of The R...dustry. Many technologies used by today by all brands of Tunnel Boring Machines were actually invented at The...

      • Robin McAuley

        Conventional Tunnelling versus Mechanized Tunnelling

        ...ns of special purpose tunnelling machines which are in principle more a...ling is the use of Tunnel Boring Machines for excavation and support cr...cularly the shield Tunnel Boring Machines provide better protection for...ility. Think of Tunnel Boring Machines as some sort of tunnel constr...

        • Robin McAuley

          How much does a Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) cost?

          ...are ordered and it takes time to build these machines in the range of from several...oduction nowadays. In the past, Tunnel Boring Machines were mostly produced in the U...engths to supply a project with Tunnel Boring Machines by offering attractive price/...