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Results for "tbm cutter knives"


    • Robin McAuley

      Buying Advice for Bichak-Cutters

      ...NDER CONSTRUCTION. Bichak Cutters ("knives" or "scrapers") are cutters used for boring in soft to different names like "Knives" or "Scrapers" for Bichak Cutters. They come in different desi...

      • Robin McAuley


        Y-Parts is the collective term used for the spare parts used on a Tunnel Boring Machine's (TBM) Cutter Head. These are the parts which are worn most and need replacement most often during a boring operation.

        • Robin McAuley

          TBM Y-Parts sourcing: Should you buy your TBM Cutters from TBM Manufacturer or from Independent Manufacturers?

          Incomplete content Y-Parts, the commonly referred for the TBM cutters, collectors, support parts etc used on TBM cutter heads can be sourced either from the manufacturer of the TBM you are using or from inde...

          • Robin McAuley

            Conventional Tunnelling versus Mechanized Tunnelling

              Why choose Mechanized Tunnelling over Mechanized Tunnelling? Or vice versa? When to use Tunnel Bori...niques to deal with changing conditions, e.g. you can change the type of cutters mounted on the cutter...