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Results for "tunnelBoringMachines"


    • Lutz Genscher

      The 8·76 m diameter #Herrenknecht TBM is due to be shipped to Łódź (Poland) later this month, and would be used to bore four single-track tunnels, totalling 4·5 km from Łódź Żabieniec in the north and Łódź Kaliska in the south to a junction with a double-track tunnel leading to Łódź Fabryczna. h...

      Tags: Herrenknecht, tunnelBoringMachine, TunnelBoringMachines, TBM

      • Gianluca Gallota

        CF&S completes tunnel boring shipment for Tashkent metro extension #heavyTransport #tunnelBoringMachines #tunnelBoringMachine #TBM

        Tags: heavyTransport, tunnelBoringMachines, tunnelBoringMachine, TBM