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Results for "virgin hyperloop one"


    • Arie van den Broek

      Podcast: Hyperloop can cost less and be a more effective use of land than investing in additional lanes in highway

      The Hyperloop test pod known as XP-1 is leaving its test site in Nevada and making a stop Kansas City. One expert said, rather than investing in additional lanes for I-70, the multi-billion-dollar hyperloop project could be a more effective use of land, money, and time for travelers between St. L...

      Tags: Hyperloop St. Louis Kansas City, Hyperloop St. Louis Kansas City Virgin Hyperloop one, Virgin Hyperloop one

      • Ansh Chaturvedi

        Hyperloop 'ready to go' with work on India project to begin next year

        Jay Walder, the chief executive of Virgin Hyperloop One which developes a version of the futuristic Hyperloop transport system has declared during the World Energy Congress that it is “ready to go” - with construction of a track in India to begin as early as next year. https://...

        Tags: hyperloop india, hyperloop, virgin hyperloop one