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Heiko vd Berg's Wall

    • Heiko vd Berg
      Heiko vd Berg shared a link

      Germany canvasses Africa for #Herrenknecht tunnel boring machines.

      Merkel hosts African leaders for Compact with Africa meetings. This conference, Merkel said, was about the three-pillar program and specific projects that are moving it forward, as well as opportunities to connect African governments with private investment partners. Organizers said they include Allianz in Morocco, Sysmex Europe in Burkina Faso, #Herrenknecht’s work on Cairo’s train tunnels, and a water project in Côte d’Ivoire with engineering firm Gauff and KfW bank.

      #government #marketing #TBM

      Merkel hosts African leaders for Compact with Africa meetings


      President Paul Kagame of Rwanda pointed to a new partnership with Volkswagen and Siemens, one that makes his nation Africa’s first to have an electric vehicle pilot program, as evidence of what can be...

      • Adrian Olmex
        By Adrian Olmex

        Only if US government tried so hard to sell The Robbins Company TBM in the world...All Trump does is lipservice, populism and hot air. And we give away our monumental companies to Chinese.


        • Lutz Genscher
          By Lutz Genscher

          Well, why don't they? German government can not be blamed for taking care of her companies and her economy.