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World Tunnel Congress 2023 Antalya Türkiye!

World Tunnel Congress 2023 Antalya Turkey





Underground Spaces for Sustainable Societies: Tunnelling for an Innovative Future

Throughout the history, humanity sought shelter from nature, sometimes even using nature itself. In the earliest experience, people utilized caves and underground spaces to live, to store and to seek protection against nature and enemies. Starting as early as 15th century BC, a complex underground structure with a capacity of almost 20.000 inhabitants was created, for a sustainable social life (living quarters, stables, wineries, churches, etc.), remnants of which can be seen in in Cappadocia, Turkey.

Accumulation of engineering knowledge over the centuries enabled construction of tunnels in many cities serving as support and logistics corridors. Industrial revolution increased the need to connect locations of raw materials and production, as well as users in the cities; this was originally served by railways that needed more tunnelling as they linked larger regions. In the 20th century, development of highway transportation in most of the developed countries fed the need for underground structures to establish road connection between cities as well as urban rapid transit systems within cities, such as metro, light rail systems, etc.

Today, underground spaces (tunnels with variable size and shape, shafts, pipelines, caverns and chambers with different purposes) are increasingly used to provide sustainable development and living. Land transportation systems (rail and road), especially in developing countries, still require construction of underground spaces. But, the needs of the societies further require connection to provide water and energy, as well. The increase in the distance of needs and societies, which is often naturally obstructed by geography, keeps the need to focus on underground spaces and corridors even today. On the other hand, innovation is a key measure, because both construction and operation of these underground systems and spaces need better use of the current technologies.

Turkey as a major developing country, is at the verge of creating stronger connection between cities nationally, as well as Asia and Europe internationally. Thus, tunnelling and underground space design are key aspects for efficient and safe road map to economic development. Despite its geological and topographical challenges, and with many corridors for tunnelling under construction and planned, Turkey is a perfect location to talk about sustainable development in the light of innovation for the next decade.

At the 100th anniversary of founding of Turkish Republic, as a country with a significant capacity and need for increased tunnelling and underground space, we are willing to host ITA-AITES World Tunnel Congress 2023 and the 49th General Assembly in 2023.


Why Turkey?

Literally a Bridge: Between contemporary & traditional
A Country of Harmony: For embracing east and west, past and future
Cultural Identity: A strong identity being home to many civilizations
Easy Access: Accessible from all over the world with direct and transit flights
Growing Economy: Listed one of the most strongest economies among the growing countries

Why Antalya?

Meeting Facilities: There are high-capacity state-of-the-art meeting facilities
Technical Site Visit: Giving the opportunity to follow tunnelling works
Hotel Capacity and Prices: It has reasonably priced, modern, internationally acclaimed hotels that can accommodate roughly 50.000 people per night
Transportability: International direct flights from most of European cities, a short ride (30 minutes) from the airport to congress venue
History: It offers an abundance of cultural and historical interests, with monuments and awe-inspiring architecture everywhere
Weather: The weather is pleasant from March through November
Cuisine: The cuisine is some of the best in the world, with many international flavors
Entertainment: The lively streets and bazaars are shoppers’ heaven
A Relaxing Holiday: By Mediterranean Sea in sunny weather of Antalya

In addition to all these features, experience famous warm and genuine Turkish hospitality...


  World Tunnel Congress 2023 Antalya Türkiye




  • Engin Ünverdi
    By Engin Ünverdi

    ANTALYA is the EXCELLENT venue for World Tunnel Congress 2023!

    I hope that at WTC2020 Kuala Lumpur, the delegates will favor Antalya!

    #WTC2023 #ANTALYA #WTC2023Antalya

  • Mustafa Coşar
    By Mustafa Coşar

    Congratulations Tünelcilik Derneği (Turkish Tunnelling Society). 

    This is great work. I hope everybody vote for WTC2023 Antalya.

    Turkey is a paradise for tunnelling. It has many mountains, water passages. Much potential in tunneling.

    I hope Tunnelling societies of World, tunnelling companies support WTC2023 Antalya. It is also best opportunity for Tunnelling Country Türkiye!

  • Erkan Dönmez
    By Erkan Dönmez

    Değerli arkadaşlar,

    Öncelikle bu çok iyi bir düşünce. Ancak uygulamada çok ciddi sorunları var.

    Bu girişimi YTMK yapıyor. Yollar Türk Milli Komitesi. Ellerine dillerine sağlık. Buraya dek tamam. Ama bunu Tünelcilik Derneği'ni dışlayarak yapıyorlar. YTMK'nin sitesine girip düzenleme kuruluna bakarsanız, bir tane bile Tünelcilik Derneği üyesi göremezsiniz düzenleme kurulunda. Tünelcilikten anlamayan, ilgisi de olmayan, genel yapım işleriyle ilgili kişilerle doldurmuşlar.

    Bu çok büyük bir yanlış ve YTMK'nin bu yanlıştan en kısa zamanda döneceğini umuyorum. Bu çok önemli düzenleme için, ulus olarak herşeyimizi birleştirerek çalışmamız gerek. Türk tünelciliğinin en büyük örgütü Tünelcilik Derneği'nin dışlayarak birlik olmaz. Başarı da gelmez.

    Seversiniz, sevmezsiniz. Ama Tünelcilik Derneği uluslarlarası ortamda çok tanınan bir örgütlenmedir. Her yıl üyeleri Dünya Tünelcilik Kurultayı'nda (World Tunnel Congress) bildiriler yayınlarlar. Dernek başkanı Nuh Bilgin dünya tünelcilik çevrelerinde gerek bilimsel bildirileri, gerekse de sosyalliği ile çok etkin birisidir.

    Öteki ülkelerin temsilcilerine gidip oy istediğinizde, Nuh Bilgin ile öteki tanınmış Tünelcilik Derneği üyelerini düzenleme kuruluna neden almadığınızı nasıl açıklayacaksınız? Karşınızdaki düşünmez mi, "sen daha ülke olarak birleşememişsin benim karşıma gelip oy istiyorsun" diye?

    Bakın ben Tünelcilik Derneği üyesi bile değilim. Geçmişte de Tünelcilik Derneği'nin biraz İstanbul'cu olmasından rahatsızlık duymuş birisiyim. Yalnızca gerçekleri söylüyorum.

    Baktım YTMK Kuala Lumpur'daki WTC2020 için Altın Destekçi olmuş. Belli ki, büyük paralar saçıp üyeleri etkileyebileceklerini sanıyorlar. Bu çok büyük bir yanılgı. Bu gibi olaylarda kişisel ilişkiler çok önemlidir.

    Doğru olanı yapmak için daha geç değil. Gerçekten WTC2023'ü Antalya'ya getirmek istiyorsak, niyetimiz İstanbul'un Oyunlara, İzmir'in de EXPO'ya sinek masalına dönen, yalnızca "aday olmak için aday olmak" işi gibi değilse, YTMK bu yanlışı düzeltsin, tek beden olarak, güçlü, olarak ve gerçekten SONUÇ almak için Eylül ayındaki seçimlere gidelim!



  • Teodor Adamczyk
    By Teodor Adamczyk

    I was in Antalya in 2017 and it was May. The weather was just perfect, perfect, perfect. It is paradise with many interesting attractions, historical places. Go WTC2023 Antalya!

  • Santiago Morales
    By Santiago Morales

    Greece Announces Candidacy to Host WTC 2023

    The Greek Tunneling Society (GTS) is applying for the organization of the 49th ITA-AITES General Assembly and the 2023 WTC in Athens, Greece.

  • A. Luthra
    By A. Luthra

    What happened to Goa?

  • Abbas Shakir
    By Abbas Shakir

    I support WTC2023 ın ANTALYA

