(Liafjelltunnelen (Statens vegvesen))
The Liafjell Tunnel under construction in Nordland, is now be delayed until 2021's 3rd quarter. Now a full 2 years behind finishing date. This is still an estimate and there are fears that it can lag even further.
Not only that, also the costs went up 60%. These are the estimates of the Norway's Statens vegvesen, the state company responsible for the roads. They are still only estimates but in all probability, it can only get worse, both cost-wise and schedule-wise.
It is being built by PNC Norway which was awarded the contract in 2016 as the lowest bidder of 9 participants at NOK 339.3 million with a total cost of NOK 525 million (Euro 46,6 million) and with the schedule that it would finish in the fall of 2019.
Currently the costs and schedule soared to NOK 830 (Euro 73,7 million) and to the fall of 2021 respectively.
Norwegian press (Rana Blad, Byggeindustrien) write that, the local government is committed to finishing the tunnel construction regardless of the costs and schedule. The contractor can be fined up to 10% of the contract sum.
"The contractor probably discovered that operating a tunnel in Norway was not the same as in Austria" say a county official reportedly to Rana Blad citing the difficulties the contractor encountered during the construction.
Basert på beregninger gjort av Statens vegvesen for fylkesveieier Norland fylkeskommune, sprekker rassikringsprosjektet Liafjelltunnelen på fylkesvei 17 i Nordland med over 300 millioner kroner.
cover tunnel photo by: Matt Brown from London, England / CC BY
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(+) Tunnelprosjekt er forsinket med to år og vil koste 60 prosent mer enn beregnet. – Mange veiprosjekter i fylket lider av denne enorme kostnadssprekken
www.ranablad.noPlanen til Nordland fylkeskommune da de satte i gang byggingen av tunnelen gjennom Liatinden med statlige rassikringsmidler som hovedfinansieringskilde, var at folk skulle slippe…