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Biggest China made Tunnel Boring Machine export to Europe. Diameter of 10.88 meters.

China Railway Construction Corporation CRCC export biggest Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) to Europe.

10.88 meters diameter TBM in Moscow Russia on monday.

  • Chu Yang
    By Chu Yang

    China's largest TBM exported to Europe put into use in Moscow


    With a diameter of 10.88 meters, the largest Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) that China has exported to Europe was put into use at a metro construction site in R...

  • Lutz Genscher
    By Lutz Genscher

    Europe is buying its energy from Russia and they are buying the machinery from China.

    • Dave Anderson
      By Dave Anderson

      Well, then don't vote for your politicians. Germany is the main customer of Russian gas.

  • André Tarry
    By André Tarry

    @Lutz, Competition is good for everybody. If we only buy locally, public money will be wasted by the local monopolies.

    • Dave Anderson
      By Dave Anderson

      When the other party is heavily subsidized by slave labor and Chinese government subsidies, then it's not competition. It's extermination.

  • Chu Yang
    By Chu Yang

    China's tunnel boring machine makes debut in Russia

    China's Shengli tunnel boring machine, with a 10.88-meter diameter, started to work in Moscow, Russia, on May 5, 2020. The Shengli tunnel machine was solely designed and developed by China Railway Construction Corp.  a milestone, demonstrating the biggest TBM produced by Chinese enterprises and exported to Europe.


  • Dave Anderson
    By Dave Anderson

    Is Russia in Europe?

