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Colombia's La Conexión Pacífico-Orinoquia Project: $25 billion and 40-kilometer tunnel

    Danilo Merges
    By Danilo Merges Replies (3)


    La Conexión Pacífico-Orinoquia (the Pacific-Orinoquia Connection) Project, one of the most ambitious road projects in Latin America has been presented as a virtual forum on YouTube. Experts, unions and consultants from all over Colombia have discussed the project via video conference.

    This road between Buenaventura and Puerto Carreño will cost $25 billion and will have a 40-kilometer tunnel. With this project, agricultural products of the fields of Meta will move to international markets by avoiding the costly and fragile infrastructure between Villavicencio and Bogotá.

    The road itself will require difficult engineering challenges but the most challenging one is going through the Central mountain range. Already a 8.5 kilometer long road tunnel Alto de la Línea is being built on this mountain range. Now the plan is to build a 40 kilometer long two track railway tunnel under the same mountain range. One important difference is, this new tunnel will be a base tunnel unlike the Linea tunnel which is on the top of the mountain unfortunately.



