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Minister presents to Italian PM a proposal for tunnel under the Strait of Messina

    Roberto Calvi
    By Roberto Calvi Replies (8)

    Strait of Messina


    Deputy Minister of Infrastructure, Giancarlo Cancelleri said he is preparing with technical people a proposal for a tunnel project under the Strait of Messina. It will be part of the Salerno - Palermo high speed train railway. All the way from Berlin to Palermo a high speed train line. He hopes to get it ready in a week and present it to Prime Minister Conte. Giornale di Sicilia wrote.

    A first response of the government's consideration we can expect in this autumn says Cancelleri who has always been an upbeat politician from the South. La Repubblica quotes him saying "The Strait? Wrong view," "If instead I asked you 'Do you want high speed between Salerno and Palermo?', How many of you would say no to me?" "And then those are fifty billion investment, which means jobs, development".


    There is a long running bridge project on the Strait of Messina. In general, tunnel is considered a better option for high speed railways. In a separate development, the Unione dei Siciliani - Sicilia Nazione movement had last week sent all the regional deputies the text of a draft vote to be presented to the Chamber of Deputies and to the Senate of the Republic so that the national government could restart the process of building the bridge over the Strait of Messina.


