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USA Wyoming irrigation tunnel collapse: Agriculture nightmare


Part of the Fort Laramie-Gering irrigation canal collapses bringing irrigation to a halt for around 110,000 acres of farmland. 


  • Heiko vd Berg
    By Heiko vd Berg

    it was a 102 year old tunnel. I wonder how it was maintained by these cowboys, if ever...

  • Dave Anderson
    By Dave Anderson

    I read that the "temporary" repairs for the tunnel of the Fort Laramie-Gering irrigation canal made. The bad news is that the diameter of the tunnel got smaller as a result of the repeairs (use of steel ribs & concrete). Farmers get less water with all the consequences.

    They are now working on planning the permanent repairs. They considered "lots of options, including drilling a new tunnel, putting a new pipe within the existing tunnel, lining the tunnel with a steel liner, and 'permeation grouting' ".

    They are going for an in-between solution


