Germany's Bahn has announced the route of the new high speed train (ICE) railway to connect the city of Darmstadt to European Rapid Transport Network. The planned new route between Frankfurt and Mannheim will go via Darmstadt as reported by Hessenschau. The route has been selected amount 30 route alternatives.
The good news for tunnelling industry is that for the 60km-long double-track railway many tunnels will need to be built. Especially the section between Lorsch (Bergstrasse) and Mannheim will mainly be via tunnels.
The detailed plan does not exist yet. Neither is it expected that the construction would start before 2025.
Hessenschau also gives the map of the route.
Die geplante neue ICE-Strecke zwischen Frankfurt und Mannheim soll über Darmstadt führen und weitgehend parallel zu den Autobahnen 5 und 67 verlaufen. Zwischen...
What good is it for any American construction companies or TBM manufacturers? It will be built by German and/or Dutch companies. If tunnels will be bored, it will 100% be Herrenknecht.
The trade relationship between Germany & the USA is that of Germany saying "what is in USA is up for competition (and mostly mine via Herrenknecht) and what is in Germany is mine".
Such a pervert trade relation we have with Germany and nobody has touched it including Trump unfortunately.
cover tunnel photo by: Matt Brown from London, England / CC BY
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Neue ICE-Strecke führt durch Darmstadt und viele Tunnel
www.hessenschau.deDie Bahn hat sich auf die Trasse der neuen ICE-Strecke Frankfurt-Mannheim festgelegt. Darmstadts OB freut sich über den Anschluss ans europäische Schnellbahnnetz. Doch es gibt auch kritische Stimmen.