The president of the PP (Popular Party of Spain) of Huelva claimed PSOE (the governing Spanish Socialist Workers' Party) has been dishonest when they said the government would finance the San Silvestre water tunnel in Andalucía.
He said, the Andalucían government once again showed its support for the doubling of the tunnel in a public-provate partnership.
Socialists (PSOE) ask the Andalucian government that “for once, go hand in hand with the Government of Spain to develop this essential infrastructure ”, which will cost approximately 60 million euros.
Amaro ha lamentado que el actual Gobierno del PP y Cs, con el apoyo de Vox, decidiera hace unos meses destinar 0 euros en los actuales presupuestos.
The president of the Huelva Provincial Council, Ignacio Caraballo stressed the importance of the doubling of the San Silvestre tunnel and said that "the second tube of the tunnel should be in the next General State Budget (PGE) ".
HUELVA, 23 (EUROPA PRESS)El presidente de la Diputación de Huelva, Ignacio Caraballo, ha remarcado la importancia del desdoblamiento del túnel de San Silvestre, de manera que ha defendido la...
Huelva información : The San Silvestre Tunnel Platform & the Government sub-delegate in Huelva, Manuela Parralo, have held a meeting with the regional stakeholders.
Sub-delegate says, "priority for the state" to of replace the current tunnel, which is in dire situation with a new tunnel of 7.6 km and of diameter of 3.6 m.
Andalucía sent to the ministry a project with a budget of about 65 million euros. Its geotechnical study is being reviewed but the project itsef does not seem to be in the concrete plans of the ministry yet.
La subdelegada del Gobierno en Huelva y los representantes del colectivo mantienen un encuentro para analizar la situación en la que se encuentra el proyecto de desdoble
cover tunnel photo by: Matt Brown from London, England / CC BY
Copyright 2019-2024
El PP acusa al PSOE de "mofarse de los onubenses"
andaluciainformacion.esCritica que pida "ahora" a la Junta ayuda para el túnel de San Silvestre