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An auxiliary tunnel of Colombia's La Linea Tunnel collapses during construction. No injuries

    Santiago Morales
    By Santiago Morales Replies (3)

    Only 2 months after the premature inauguration of the La Linea Tunnel, there has been a partial collapse with rocks falling during the construction of an auxiliary tunnel.

    According to INVÍAS,  the auxiliary tunnel located at km 39 + 800 in the Calarcá - Cajamarca corridor of the Túnel de la Línea project presented rockfalls, putting the safety of the workers and road users. Luckily noone injured.

    The 8,65km La Línea tunnel is the longest road tunnel in operation in Latin America. It connects the central Colombia with the Pacific in a few hours. 

    Its construction has been plagued with corruption, cost overruns and delays. President Iván Duque inaugurated it even before it is really completed and there is a issue since then every day.


