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Never ending Tragedy at Rastatt tunnel construction goes on and on in Germany

    Carlos Kirschner
    By Carlos Kirschner Replies (2)

    The last time I wrote about the Rastatt tunnel construction was about 6 months ago. The title of my post was 'Tragedy of Rastatt tunnel construction goes on and on in Germany'.

    The title of this post is very similar because the situation is also similar. The perpetual tragedy continues. Deutsche Bahn has postponed the completion date for another year to the end of 2026.

    Never mind that the original completion date was 2022.

    The 4270 meters long twin-bore tunnel will be part of the Karlsruhe–Basel high-speed railway under Rastatt in the German state of Baden-Württemberg.  It will be part of the Rotterdam–Genoa corridor as a part of the Main line for Europe.

    Collapsing tunnels, badly managed construction activities. I have no words for it.

    As the Niederbühler mayor puts it in the article, nobody believes the ever "new" ending date announced by Deutsche Bahn.

    I repeat myself:

    How not to build tunnels. How not to run projects. The worst is that there is still no happy ending. It just continues:


