Tunnelling with Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) technology see bright future in Korea. Government thinks TBM tunnelling is future over NATM and other methods.
In Korea press we sees more about TBM. A company we hear more is Hoban TBM division of Hoban Construction. I wrote more than one year ago Hoban TBM made agreement with German company Herrenknecht to develop Korean made Tunnel Boring Machines. Korean press (I provide link under) write 'In accordance with the agreement, Lakeshore Industries and Herenknecht agreed to cooperate with each other to manufacture equipment suitable for domestic construction conditions and ground conditions'. They also refer that agreement was signed with attendance of Hoban Industries Chairman Jin-won Kim, Minsung Kim, Senior Vice President and also Wongil Kim, President of Hoban TBM. They write also Herrenknecht Vice Chairman Martin David Herrenknecht was there. I write this because last time truth of my my writing of this news was questioned by some people.
Also Lotte E&C improve TBM wise technbology, They write this company develop new method of constructing precast concrete (PC) panels by installing removable brackets on the bridge slab cantilever with name 'Concrete and steel bridge deck cantilever construction method using detachable brackets' (BBCM method).
TBM evangelism in many publication every day in Korea
[공학저널 전찬민 기자] 현재 터널 기계화 시공의 모토는 터널 시공을 더 빠르고, 더 안전하게 추진하는데 장점이 있기 때문에 그 활용도가 점차 늘어날 것으로 예상된다.인류는 고대로부터 다양하게 터널을 건설해 이용해 왔고, 현재 터널을 굴착하는 방법에는 크게 발파와 기계화시공으로 분류할 수 있다. 발파와 같은 재래식 터널공법은 다양한 단면 형상의 터널을 매 폭약을 이용해 공사하는 방법이며, 기계화 시공은 디스크 커터(disc cutter)나...
cover tunnel photo by: Matt Brown from London, England / CC BY
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m.moneys.mt.co.kr━건설업계, 신기술 개발하면서 미래먹거리 확보 경쟁━최근 건설사들의 신기술 개발이 한창이다. 국토교통부에 따르면 지난 9월 기준 국내 10대 건설사들이 보유하고 있는 건설 신기술은 평균 10.5개인 것으로 집계됐다.이를 두고 업계에서는 미래먹거리 확보와 부동산 시장에 대한 정부정책 기조 등을 주요 원인으로 분석하고 있다. 코로나19 여파로