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Project for a 1 billion pesos tunnel in Malvinas Argentinas in Greater Buenos Aires announced

    Danilo Merges
    By Danilo Merges Replies (1)

    Malvinas Argentinas mayor, Leonardo Nardini, the governor Axel Kicillof, the president of the Chamber of Deputies of the Nation, Sergio Massa, and Alexis Guerrera, national minister of Transportation annouced the mega-project aimed at improving traffic and access for vehicles and pedestrians, which will have an investment of more than one billion pesos and with an execution period of one year. 

    It is a low-level tunnel that will be made on Simón de Iriondo Street, which will become an avenue, and will cross the entire Municipal Premises (former Battalion 601) from Av. Ingeniero Huergo until it reaches Municipal Civic Center.


