The Shield TBM penetrate Daegok~Sosa Line Tunnel of the Han River.
The National Railroad Corporation (Chairman Han-Young Kim) announced on the 11th (Thursday) that it had successfully penetrated the 2.7km-long Shield TBM Tunnel passing through the bottom of the Han River in the Daegok-Sosa double-track railway project.
The Daegok-Sosa Line Shield TBM Tunnel has invested 102,919 people and 135.8 billion won in project cost for 33 months since its inception in March 2019. As the excavation was completed on this day, the entire section of the 14.1km tunnel from Daegok to Sosa Line was completely completed. was closely connected.
This construction section was successfully penetrated through active project management despite the difficult work conditions, such as passing through the lower part of the freeway and the second freeway composed of the lower part of the Han River and the composite stratum where a large amount of water was generated.
Meanwhile, the Daegok-Sosa double-track railway is a privately-invested facility project that connects the Seohae Line and the Gyeongui Line, with a total investment of KRW 1,576.7 billion and is under construction for an 18.3 km railway between Daegok and Sosa. The project period is until January 2023. .
Kim Yong-doo, head of the Seoul Metropolitan Area Headquarters, said, “Despite the difficult conditions of the local residents and the active cooperation of local residents, thanks to construction officials, we safely penetrated the Han River Shield TBM Tunnel, the most difficult section of the Daegok-Sosa Line.” We will do our best to manage the business so that it can be opened in Responsible Department Metropolitan Headquarters Metropolitan Area Project Team / Director Kwak Myeong-su, Yongsan Gangnam Daegok Sosa PM Manager Ji Seong-wook (02-788-5131)
Daegok ~ Sosa Line Tunnel Penetration photo by Korea National Railroad Corporation
cover tunnel photo by: Matt Brown from London, England / CC BY
Copyright 2019-2024
'착공 32개월 만에 관통'‥ 최대 난공사 '대곡~소사' 한강하저 터널 뚫리다서해선(대곡~소사) 한강하저 터널이 난(難) 공사 끝에 착공 32개월 만에 관통됐다. 고양시는 "서해선(대곡~소사) 복선전철 한강하저 구간 '쉴드TBM터널'이 11일 관통했다"면서 "서해선은 2023년 1월 개통 예정"이라고 12일 밝혔다. 시에 따르면, 해당 구간은 한강하저를 뚫는 공사 과정에서 많은 양의 용수가 발생했고, 자유로 하부 복합 지층 등 어려운 작업 여건 때문에 32개월의 굴착 기간을 거치는